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C'Mon Already

Recently on ShAARP Session we wrote about the Keep Medicare Fair Campaign. We've had a tremendous response - 200,000 180,000 plus petitions signed and counting. But this isn't just about the numbers, so I thought I'd share with you one of the personal stories we've received.
"I am 70 years old and live on a fixed income of approximately $24,000 a year. I pay just under $2,000 for Medicare and a supplementary insurance plan plus an additional $400-500 for prescription medications. This year, my supplemental insurer has increased the co-payments for medications and deductibles, so my basic cost in the coming year will increase to over $3000. And this is for basic well-care. I worry constantly that I will not be able to afford treatment if I should become seriously ill."
- M.T.
She's not alone in her fears. Hers is just one of many heart wrenching stories - people are suffering because of higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. We need to do all that we can to make sure that their voices are being heard. Congress is expected to act on the matter very soon. So what are you waiting for - go sign the petition already!

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