AARP Eye Center
Confused About Medicare?
By Alejandra Owens, November 7, 2011 09:54 AM

You're in luck. AARP has tons of resources to help.
When is the Medicare open enrollment period?
Medicare open enrollment runs Oct.15 through Dec. 7 this year. Thinking of switching plans? Get the scoop on your options.
I'm caught in the "doughnut hole." How can I save money on my prescriptions?
Some drugs may actually cost you less while you're in the "doughnut hole" (the coverage gap in the middle of the Part D prescription drug benefit). Since the beginning of 2011, the pharmaceutical manufacturers have provided a 50 percent discount on brand-name drugs in the doughnut hole, as required by the new health care law. See also: Doughnut hole calculator.
What's the difference between a medigap plan and a Medicare Advantage plan?
Ask Ms. Medicare explains it all in this article.
Is the free "wellness exam" the same as a physical?
Not exactly. If you request a "physical" from your doctor, it will not be considered your free wellness exam. You have to specifically request the "Medicare wellness exam" if you don't want to be charged.
I still have questions.
Check out this live webinar on Nov. 17. It will provide an overview of the different parts of Medicare (A, B, C and D), and you'll receive information that can help you make decisions about the coverage options that best meet your needs. Plus, there will be time for Q&A at the end.
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Photo credit: Jo Miles on Google+