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Distance: 3,000 Miles. Average Age: 70. Goal: Fun.


Action movies are popular, duh! Lots have 'Specialist Team' centered character dynamics. The Leader. The Toughguy. The Plucky Young Recruit. Only this isn't about an action movie. And the youngest guy on the team is 68 and is an accomplished motocross competitor. This is about endurance as much as about skill. In the mind of this team, it is about passion for health, fitness and cycling.

A team of gentlemen have come together to do the Race Across America - their average age is 70. All four of them have years of experience as cyclists. Their team, named  United 4 Health, aims to beat the previous aged 70+ record of 7 days 16 hours and 31 minutes.

Why are they doing it? Their statement reads:

"The Race Across America isn't just a cycling event or an awe-inspiring journey across our nation, it's an expression of our passion for health, fitness and the sport of cycling. We do it because it's a challenge, because it's a bucket-list dream, a test of the mind, body and soul. Because if we can do this, we can do anything. Because it reminds us how lucky we are to be alive and healthy and able to do this. Because it's going to be fun!"

The Race Across America is a long running (both in time and distance) endurance cycle race, and it can be run in relay teams of up to 8 people. It runs 3,000 miles from California to Maryland along that really long stretch of road across what we call our fair country.

The relay race starts on June 16th. Follow their  progress on this map and on their blog.

Photo credit: United 4 Health.

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