AARP Eye Center
For the record...
By Alejandra Owens, August 4, 2009 06:04 PM
From AARP Spokesperson Andrew Nannis:
A number of folks who are tuned in to the health care debate have offered their thoughts in various comment threads on Shaarp Session and elsewhere on We are thankful to everyone who has chimed in to express themselves. That said, a number of inaccurate statements deserve to be corrected for the record - we hope to get to all of them. For example, many commenters seem to think that healthcare reform will somehow put AARP "out of business." If people feel that AARP may someday not work hard for older Americans, well, that's just not going to happen. If, however, you mean that many of the products that bear our name will no longer be necessary, well, you might have a point. AARP has said it before and let's go on the record one more time just for fun: we would happily forgo every dime in revenue we receive through AARP-branded products in favor for a health care system that renders them obsolete.