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Got Questions About Arthritis? Join the Twitter Party.

Do you live with arthritis pain? If so, you can get your questions answered on managing and treating your arthritis at a live Twitter party TODAY for World Arthritis Day at 2 pm EDT. Dr. Patience White of the Arthritis Foundation and Dr. Arthur Weinstein of Washington Hospital Center and Georgetown University Medical Center will answer questions in real time. Join the party by tweeting using the hash tag #arthritisday. (If you search #arthritisday you'll see everyone on Twitter who's tweeting about it too!)


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You can also show your support for the millions of Americans living with arthritis by getting off the couch. According to The Arthritis Foundation, moving is the best medicine when it comes to preventing and managing arthritis pain. Just log in any distance you walk between now and October 31 to help their " Walk Around the World" effort.

PS. New to Twitter? Here's more info on how to use hashtags to chat with other Twitter users.

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