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"10 Reasons You Shouldn't Retire" - and Free Lunch Seminars Busted

Here is another good retirement advice article from U.S. News and World Report online. It's called " 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Retire." The author points out that even though it can be tempting to quit your day job and dream of days without the responsibility of a job, the benefits of staying in the workforce longer are "obvious and dramatic.
The first few reasons on the list are ones you might not even think of right away: your health - and your marriage. The article says that seniors who engage in activity - even part-time or volunteer work - has shown to have beneficial health effects on retirees. And, as far as your marriage, it is truly something to consider: are you ready to spend every day with your spouse after years of leading separate working lives? Check out the article for all of the reasons that staying in the workforce longer may be good for you in so many ways.
Also, you should check out this article from the Boston Globe that discusses the predatory practice of "free lunch" seminars that prey on older investors. Instead of learning about retirement as they expect, attendees end up being pitched fraudulent or unsuitable financial products, and get asked for personal information or to schedule an appointment with a the presenter in their own home.
The article mentions AARP's " Free Lunch Monitor" program, for which volunteers attend "free lunch" seminars and report what they see.

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