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Financial Check Up

From Tara Coates
Why are some people financially comfortable while others struggle paycheck-to-paycheck?
Financial author Jean Chatzky has an idea, identifying eight factors that divide those who are struggling financially from those who are financially sound.
Chatzky's latest book, "The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times," was based on research conducted by Harris Interactive and Merrill Lynch, and included over 5,000 interviews. In the research, Fifty-four percent of those interviewed described themselves as living paycheck-to-paycheck. About 27 percent of the respondents said they were "financially comfortable", while 3 percent described themselves as wealthy.
The eight qualities Chatzky saw in the wealthy and financially comfortable groups included: happiness/optimism, resilience, connectedness, passion, intuition, habitual saving, investing in stocks, and gratitude.
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