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Financial Reform is a Go with Senate Votes Secured

Three senators, Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Olympia J. Snowe of Maine and Ben Nelson of Nebraska said they would vote for the bill. With these three additions democrats gain the 60 votes needed to pass financial reform!
This is great news because over the last three years, older Americans have lost billions of hard earned dollars due to the failure of the outdated financial regulatory system. The shortcomings led to a massive crisis and now requires the strong action of the "Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" to restore our financial system.
It appears that the recent statement from AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond to the Senate was heard, loud and clear. In her quote below she encourages the Senate to pass the bill that will be beneficial for all.
"After the Senate left Washington (for a brief recess) without passing important financial protections for millions of older Americans, AARP members reached out to their Senators remind them about the important job waiting for them back in Washington. AARP members sent a clear message: get back to work and pass financial reform legislation that will put in place new rules that will protect consumers' hard earned money and ensure the financial industry provides clear and easy to understand information."
Thanks AARP members for helping with the final push to get the votes this bill needed!

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