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It's Official - Senate Passes Financial Reform Bill!

With the final vote coming down to 60 for and 39 against, the passing of the bill marks the completion of yet another landmark piece of legislation just months after the passing of the historic health care bill and before that, the major economic stimulus program. If there is one thing this administration is good at, it's pushing monumental bills through a Congress who can be less that cooperative. It seems so far, their ambitious goals are paying off
What is in the bill?
According to the AARP Bulletin:
Consumers and investors would gain significant new protections under the new law. The bill creates a bureau of consumer financial protection, reduces fees on most credit card transactions, and requires retirement and insurance advisers to act in the best financial interests of their clients.
The last step? The bill now goes to President Obama who will put his stamp of approval on it with a big ole' signature.

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