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New Tax Rebates May Require Return Filing

Today, President Bush signed the new economic stimulus rebate program you advocated for into law, but that's not the end of this story.
As reports today, "The decision to add 20 million seniors to the ranks of Americans who'll get rebates as part of the economic stimulus plan was in the end an easy one to make. Getting the rebates in their hands may not be as simple to do."
The deal is, nearly 12 million low-income older Americans don't file tax returns because they normally aren't required to. But in order to receive their tax rebate, many will have to file a 2007 federal tax return this year.
Stay tuned as we expect to hear more this afternoon. AARP is planning a campaign to let you all know what you need to do in order to get your rebate.
In the mean time if you'd like to volunteer, get free assistance with your taxes or learn more, visit AARP Tax-Aide's website.

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