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The 7 Things Your Kids and Grandkids Need to Know About Money

Over at LifeTuner, we have a series of seven rules designed to help get your kids and grandkids financially fit and keep them that way that we call the "7 Smart Money Essentials." Some are hard-and-fast rules (Save at Least 10%), others are general guidelines (Limit Your Debt), and while we're proud of how effective they can be, they were looking kind of..., well, blah. Personal finance can be mundane, but it doesn't have to be.

To help us shake the gravity that can come with the subject of money, we threw together some graphics that not only detail these seven rules, but also explain why each rule is so important. Below you'll see two of those graphics, but feel free to click through to see all seven of the smart money rules your kids and grandkids should be following.

Are there any rules that you wish you had learned earlier?

Save at Least 10% Infographic

Limit Your Debt Infographic

Click here to see all 7 Smart Money Essentials.

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