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The Money Minute - Life Lessons from the Money Coach

Dinero. Cash. Dough.
As many words as we have for money, most of us are no experts on it. That's what Lynnette Khalfani-Cox talks to us about it in this great piece at AARP; Lynnette dug herself out of $100,000 in just 3 years! Here's a bit of what she's learned, and what she has in store:
I've tried to help others as a journalist, working for The Wall Street Journal and CNBC, as a financial blogger and as a commentator on radio and television. I've even shared my story with Oprah and Dr. Phil. I've also written several books, including Zero Debt, that aim to educate people about managing money wisely.
I've learned from first-hand experience that while setbacks such as divorce and downsizing have huge economic implications. In the coming months, you'll be able to read online advice columns such as this one and watch my new Web video series, The Money Minute. I'll answer your questions about everything from budgeting and investing to estate planning and retirement.
Interested, want to check it out? Read the whole piece here

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