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The Money Secrets We Keep

Although it's probably safe to assume that financial infidelity wasn't a culprit in the Shriver/Schwarzenegger split, irreconcilable money differences do play a role in many couples' break-ups. According to a recent study, the number who 'fess up to keeping their other halves in the dark about certain spending decisions is quite high - 80%, in fact.

Keeping spending secrets from your spouse, partner or significant other doesn't have to lead down the road to splitsville if you're willing to do something about it. Get advice and insights from Money Coach Lynnette Khalfani-Cox in ' Spending on the Sly' via's Money channel.


Among Khalfani-Cox's practical tips: delegate and designate, find a friend outside the relationship to confide in and encourage you, seek couneling if necessary, and - my personal favorite - agree to disagree. Easier said than done, but apparently it does work for some couples.

So, are you among the 80% struggling with financial secrets? In the 20% category of those who are totally open about spending decisions? Have different spending styles but you've managed to agree to disagree? Share your insights below, or comment on the article's page after you hear our money expert's take on the topic.

Photo by UggBoy♥UggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // SENSE ]

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