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A War Against Parkinson's

Check out this great blog, Attitude & Fitness living well with Parkinson's.  It's about one man's dedication to fight his early diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease with exercise and fitness.  A truly inspiring story and blog - Check it out!

Below is an expecerpt from his blog:

"In March of 2004 I began to notice the first signs of what I learned later to be Parkinson's disease (PD). After a second-opinion visit to a neurologist at the Center of Excellence in San Francisco, I was officially diagnosed I had PD.

At 47 years old, married 15 years with 2 daughters 13 and 10 I was devastated, but what could I really do.  My attitude and conviction from that day forward to beat the disease and live a normal life became my internal battle cry.  I was not going to let this thing alter what I wanted to do with my life.

Starting this blog is my first step to getting more involved with others that have PD.  I do realize that what works for me may not work for others, but if I can help a few maybe I can have an impact.

Until there is a cure, I vow to fight every day and win the war against Parkinson's.  In the words of Jim Valvano, "Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up.""

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