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AARP Members Made a Difference for Millions

Three weeks ago, Congressional and Administration officials introduced an economic stimulus proposal that would have left out approximately 20 million Americans who depend primarily on Social Security and disabled veterans. Tomorrow, the President is scheduled to sign off on a better plan - one that will give these people a little help during a tough time and offers them a role in helping turn our economy around.
What happened to improve the plan? You did.
This story in today's Politico highlights how AARP's volunteers and other everyday Americans got fired up and let their elected officials know that any stimulus plan had to be fair. You told them providing support to these people who would otherwise be left out did two things: help those that need it most and give money to people who would put it right back into the economy. You told them it was smart policy and the right thing to do. As the Politico reports, you told them more than 215,000 times in one week alone.
You did well, and you did good. Congratulations and thank you.


AARP CEO Bill Novelli takes the the Hill in support of the plan. Here at a press conference with Senator Max Baucus.

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