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Chat Live with Jane Pauley!

Remember when we told you about AARP's new "Your Life Calling" Ambassador, the one and only Jane Pauley? Well, now is your chance to chat with Pauley live!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9th, from noon until 1 p.m., Pauley will be chatting with folks about exploring what's next in life - as she says, "These are trying times - and by that I mean it's a great time to be trying new things."
Click here to join the chat on Tuesday or to sign up right now and AARP will send you a reminder.
And don't forget, Jane debuts her "Your Life Calling" segment on NBC's Today Show tomorrow in the 8-9 a.m. hour. See what she has to say on the show, grab a mid-morning walk, and then join her for a chat!

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