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Divided We Fail Throws Weight Behind "Healthy Workforce Act"

Today, AARP CEO Bill Novelli, Business Roundtable President John Castellani, SEIU President Andy Stern and NFIB President and CEO Todd Stottlemyer announced that their organizations - which collectively represent more than 53 million Americans and together make up Divided We Fail - would be pushing for a new bill that gives business a tax credit if they provide their employees tools to get and stay healthy.
The legislation is called the "Healthy Workforce Act: and was introduced today by the bipartisan team of Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR). If passed, the law would give the credit to business that offered programs containing at least three of the following elements:
* Health awareness/education - including assessments and preventive screenings;
* Behavioral change - including counseling, seminars or self-help materials;
* Supportive environment- including health premium reductions or daytime exercise options; and
* Employee engagement- to tailor the program to the needs of the company's workforce
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