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Guest Post: AARP Maryland Supports Sustainable Energy Solutions

AARP Maryland's Rawle Andrews Jr. the Senior State Director recently wrote a letter to the editor about Maryland's Public Service Commission (PSC) rejecting the proposal to install smart meters by Baltimore Gas & Electric company, the state's largest utility. And AARP Maryland supported this decision by the PBC for several good reasons. Check out his letter to the editor in the Baltimore Sun recently, and his statement below!
"AARP is not opposed to smart grid technology. Our members place a high priority on a healthy environment and sustainable energy solutions for themselves, their children and grandchildren. Maryland's PBC rejected BG&E's proposal for smart meters because it is flawed, and they asked them to resubmit their plan to address their concerns. Critics of the PSC's decision fail to recognize that the Commission did not reject smart meters -- it rejected BGE's risky funding scheme and unsubstantiated claims. This flawed proposal placed all of the risk on ratepayers, without any certainty of reward.
We look forward to reviewing the next proposal which will hopefully represent significant consumer protections for which AARP advocated: don't rush into multi-million dollar investments without clearly showing how they help consumers; don't put all the financial risks on consumers; and don't force mandatory time of use pricing on consumers, especially when seniors, low-income and other vulnerable groups could be put at risk. These are goals that we can all agree upon--we can help the environment and protect consumers at the same time."

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