AARP Eye Center
Guest Post from Transportation Secretary LaHood
By Alejandra Owens, June 30, 2010 08:45 AM
Morning folks! Lots of guest posts for you lately, and today we bring you another great contributor. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood joins us today to talk about livable communities - what that means and what we're doing to make sure they happen.
From Secretary LaHood:
First, let me say that I've got four grown children and nine healthy grandchildren. And--like AARP--I think a lot about the quality of life in America for people over 50. But, as Secretary of Transportation, it's my job to look for transportation solutions that improve the quality of life for all Americans.
That's why DOT encourages a variety of transportation options. It's why we have partnered with HUD and EPA to coordinate investments that promote strong, livable communities with good housing choices near good transportation choices.
Recently, I talked with Mike Cuthbert of AARP's Prime Time Radio and Sheila Kast of their Inside E Street program, about how our livability initiative affects seniors in particular.
By livability, I mean being able to take kids or grandkids to school, shop for groceries, or see a doctor without having to get into your car. And not having to give up your independence or mobility when you get older.
But that's not always easy. In an AARP study last year, 40% percent of those over 50 said their sidewalks were nonexistent or in disrepair. Others worried about transit service, particularly in rural communities where affordable access to services is critical.
DOT supports a variety of choices. Sidewalks, streetcars, safe curbs, light rail, and bus service--these approaches are good for the environment; they're good for breaking our addiction to foreign oil; and they're good for our health.
We'll always have cars and trucks. And DOT will continue making sure our roads and bridges are in good repair. But across the country, Americans have indicated they want options.
Now, livability is just one aspect of what we're working on at DOT. And these approaches aren't just good for AARP's constituents; they're good for America.
Check out Secretary LaHood's blog, Fast Lane, here.