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Hand Tool Faux Pas

Latest tip for June's 30 for 30 Home Saftey Month
Do you love to do 'do it yourself' projects? I certainly do! Starting and finishing projects gives you a sense of accomplishment and achievement. But! Next time you delve into your latest project make sure to exercise a little caution.
Did you know that more people sustain injuries while using hand tools than power tools?? (source: CPSC) Hand tools are easy enough to use, but people all too often use them incorrectly and end up injuring themselves. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more people injure themselves when working with hammers and utility knives than with power saws and drills. Ouch!
How Reduce the Risk of an Accident: Be aware! The most common tool-related injury is striking one's own fingers with a hammer. When using a hammer make sure your fingers are not in the striking zone of the hammer. And don't forget - when using any kind of tool, take safety precautions, and be sure to read and follow all usage directions.
Check out all 30 tips here!

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