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Happy Birthday, Betty White! What Are Your Memories?

Oh, Betty. You are so deliciously direct, so positively perfect. A lady. Not a lady. The best kind of lady. You know? It's Betty White, she who used to charm us with  St. Olaf stories on Golden Girls. You all petitioned for her to host Saturday Night Live - remember that? It could have been the most successful petition in Facebook history. Anecdotal data, ya know. ( We kid. Maybe. Anyone know?!) 

Betty White turns 90 on Tuesday. We're spending the week gathering birthday messages for her. If you have a Betty White memory you'd show your kids or grandkids, would you tell us in the comments? Link us to the YouTube clips?

Thanks for being awesome, Betty. We wish we could say we're your biggest fans, but man, do we have a lot of competition.

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