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Compassion, it's a Game Changer
By Leigh Anne Tuohy, June 28, 2011 08:42 AM
Now that I am "almost" grown, many days I look back and ask myself, "what if..." There are "would have," "should have," "could have" moments in everyday of life. So many things get lost in the shuffle of our everyday lives. I know that most of my days are so full that sometimes I just want to pull the covers over my head and never get up. Then at the end of the day as I drag myself back to that same spot in my comfortable, welcoming bed, and am very still for the first time in many hours, I think what I should have done that day or would have done "if." Let's make an effort this week to do the would have, should have , could have's that cross our paths each day; yet we are so focused on ourselves that we never take the time to " turn around" and do just the least little thing that could be life altering for someone.

Let's stop treating these moments like an afterthought and start making them a priority. Don't be interested in just ourselves. Be interested in your neighbor, your old classmate, your friend at church, your child's coach, the little girl on the poster at the grocery store with cancer.
If you are reading this and you think I am not talking to you , either because of your age or because you already did something and have patted yourself on the back for it, you are wrong. No one is taking themselves out of this game. We are all valuable players that can all make a difference.
As opposed to meeting someone halfway, go the other half as well and be more aware of other's needs. We have so many customs born over the years in this country and formalities of how we should do this or that. Well, if you saw The Blindside you know that I believe that sometimes you have to push the envelope.
Be bold, don't be afraid of the unknown, yes use caution with your good judgment, but I have looked behind the curtain and there is something truly amazing about being a part of something that is larger than you. I promise your life will be so much richer when you uplift someone.
Be seen, heard, empathetic, and don't be afraid to take a chance to get out of your comfort zone! Remember it has been said by many that people are so much more important than achievements or possessions, so take some time away from the daily routine and discover how fulfilling it is to be generous and compassionate! Trust me it's a game changer!
You can help change the game by going to Create The Good and finding opportunities to make a difference in your neighborhood.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @LeighAnneTuohy and play #TuohyTrivia on Tuesdays for a chance to win a $25 donation to the charity of your choice for answering the question correctly.
Photo credit: RejiK
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