AARP Eye Center
How to Live Our Best Life
By Leigh Anne Tuohy, June 21, 2011 10:59 AM
There is a member of the Tuohy household who has gotten her feelings hurt because I apparently neglected to mention her in any of my AARP blogs. The exact quote to me was," I have shown her no love!" "Wow!" was my immediate response.

So after giving that comment an assessment, I decided that we all could actually learn a lot from my daughter Collins. Collins is definitely the entire family's go to girl: she's the vacation planner and fashion consultant. She's always charming. Her conversation skills are wonderful, she's the life of the party, and she sparks energy wherever she goes. But most importantly she sees value in every individual. She believes with every fiber in her being that every individual should be treated with dignity and respect.
Over the last 10 plus years, Collins has seen it all, heard it all and been judged by all. She's continued to live her life regardless of the previously mentioned. Tragically, so many people build their lives on a foundation that is pursuing so many of the wrong things. It's about more, more, more, bigger and better and countless other things that usually don't provide lasting happiness.
Collins has realized that you see value in action. She coaches an inner cheeleading squad, she spends time with kids that haven't been as fortunate as she has, and she goes on trips to pull teeth, build homes and anything else that she is asked to do.
No, she doesn't have wings, and definitely has moments that I think, "Oh goodness she is definitely like me." But she emulates compassion, love and consistently shares with others. So let's all take a lesson from Collins and let's become loud and proud cheerleaders about valuing others, helping others, and become slower to place judgment on those less fortunate.
As she tells her girls most days, "This is not a dress rehearsal, you can't get today back so be your best and give 110%." That's what I challenge you to do. Turn around and follow Collins lead!
You can start helping others today by going to Create The Good and finding volunteer opportunities near you.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @LeighAnneTuohy and play #TuohyTrivia on Tuesdays for a chance to win a $25 donation to the charity of your choice for answering the question correctly.
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