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New Year's Resolutions That Are Actually Fun

Who would have thought you could actually look forward to your New Year's resolutions? AARP has a great rundown of 10 resolutions that are easy, healthy, and things you might just want to do anyway! The piece begins:

"As the tinsel comes off trees and holiday decorations are stashed away, many look with grim determination toward the new year and resolve to lead healthier lives. But must those resolutions be so tedious? Go to the gym, eat healthy, work harder, sacrifice, self-discipline ... grumble, yawn, quit. No wonder most resolutions are distant memories by springtime. But what if your New Year's resolution list looked like this?"

I'll give you the first resolution as a teaser: Get out and party! Yep, that's right. Check out why this can be good for your 2010 and for the rest of these fun resolutions to enjoy (and keep)!

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