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President Bush Vetoed the Medicare Bill!!

That's right folks, President Bush has vetoed the bipartisan Medicare bill that we've all been watching and working (and commenting on) so intently. Congress worked together to put together a bill that improved low-income, mental health and preventative health programs for people like you...your family...and your friends. The bill would help maintain the access of people in Medicare to their doctors - something every American should have!
With the state of health care already in abysmal condition and millions of Americans lacking health care - it's more important than ever that Congress overrides the presidents veto today. AARP volunteers, members and staff are up on Capitol Hill talking to our elected officials to make sure they do this. It's time for the 355 members of the House and the 69 members of the Senate to stand by their choices and finish this.
Sound off here - or give your elected official a call 1-800-795-5336.

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