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Volunteers and Legislators Come Together at AARP Illinois Legislative Reception

Merri Dee and Staff Greet Rep. Mautino
State President Merri Dee greets Rep. Mautino with AARP State Director Bob Gallo and AARP Assoicate Director David Vinkler at our first ever Legislative Reception.

Thank you to staffer Scott Musser for writing the blog post this week! 

On Tuesday night after lobbying in the Capitol, AARP volunteers and staff had the opportunity to socialize with elected officials at the first AARP Illinois Legislative Reception in Springfield.

Each week during legislative session AARP volunteers from across the state come to the Capitol to lobby on behalf of older Illinoisans and AARP Illinois' 1.7 million members.

"Most of the time our volunteers only see their elected officials on business in the Capitol," said Nancy Nelson, AARP Illinois Manager of Advocacy and Outreach. "Tonight was a chance for volunteers and Legislators to mingle in a more relaxed atmosphere."

The reception was attended by Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon, State Treasurer Dan Rutherford and over 16 members of the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives.  In addition AARP Illinois invited other lobbying partners who work on senior, health care and consumer protections.

Attendees seemed to enjoy the chance to spend time talking and socializing with each other outside of the Capitol building.

In a couple of our recent posts you've seen that we've got a wide range of volunteer opportunities for everyone - if you'd be interested in volunteering in your community with AARP just shoot us an email at 

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