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App of the Week: Stop Waiting On Hold, Have 'Em Call You

Do you hate waiting on hold for a customer service rep to answer the phone?   How about that phone tree navigation system that nearly every company uses?  Don't you just want to scream "representative" to the recorded voice that isn't listening?

Oh yeah, there's an app for that too. It's called The app is available for iPhone, iPad, Android and Kindle Fire and Chrome.  As long as you have an internet connection and a phone, you are in business.

It works like this:

  • You register-it's free; but you must register your phone number.  It can be your cell or home phone, but it needs to be a number where you want to receive your return customer service calls.  I use my cell phone number.
  • You search the company directory list that is in alphabetical order.  There are thousands of companies on the list.  These range from utilities companies including wireless providers, to popular stores to national insurance agencies, banks, credit agencies and airlines.  The list is quite extensive.
  • You select the company you want to call and press the button.
  • The next screen tells you if the customer service department is open or closed.
    • If it is open; it asks if you want to call
      fast cust how it works
    • If it's closed, it tells you the hours it is open
    • It also has a smiley face rating systems of the company
  • fast cust phone call list (5)
    Connect call screen shot
    The next step is selecting the telephone icon that says "Have 'em call you"
  • The next screen announces "We're on it" so you know your call is connecting.  Then it charts the calls progress with check marks.
    • Dialing the company
    • Navigating the phone tree
    • Waiting on hold
    • Connecting  'em to you
  • The last step is your phone rings and there is a real live customer service representative on the line.  The rep will call you on the phone number you registered.  You can easily change the phone number anytime.

Remember, you don't have to watch the call progress.  The app is set up so once you hit the icon that says "Have 'em call you" you can leave the phone and move on to your other tasks.

How cool is that?  I say pretty darn cool.  The fastcustomer slogan is: "We wait on hold for you.  For Free"

It's a free service to customers.  The participating companies pay to be listed.

For a closer look, go onto the website at and watch the short video.

I've tried it several times and it really works.  Each time a rep calls me, I'm amazed.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe because it seems like decades-or like maybe never-that a customer service rep called me.

This app is a "must have" on my phone.

Do you have an app to share?  Leave us a note in the comments section.

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