AARP Eye Center
Glimpse Into The Future
By Alejandra Owens, December 2, 2009 02:10 PM
AARP and Microsoft have released a very interesting new report about tehcnology...and you, baby boomers.
With Futurist (cool job alert!) Michael Rogers held focus groups with baby boomers to see not only what they use technology for right now, but how they view technology. The result? Rogers gives us a look at how boomers influence technology not only today...but how they might influence it ten years down the road!
First, consider that in 2019, just 10 years away, the youngest boomers will be turning 55 and Generation X will begin crossing the 50-year mark.
Within the decade, Rogers forecasts that some baby boomers and other consumers will be wearing sensor-equipped exercise clothing and GPS-enabled running shoes during workouts to monitor their physical condition, track the calories they burn, and upload the information automatically for storage and analysis. Other boomers will have prescription glasses that connect wirelessly to the Internet or other networks and display information in the lower half of the lens, or carry mobile devices that can function as electronic wallets, offer full telepresence and project large-format images on the wall.
Increasingly, baby boomers will use technology to help them care for their aging parents -- employing sensors that alert them to changes in behaviors or routines that could signal problems -- and to manage their own health with tools ranging from low-cost gene scans to implanted microchips that contain their health records. Boomers also will use computers to control energy use in their "green" homes and to redefine when, where and how they work.
The possibilities are endless! How do you use technology right now? What do you hope technology can do for you in ten years?