AARP Eye Center
Tech You Can Use: Coping With The Tech Learning Curve
By Beth Carpenter, July 29, 2010 04:30 PM

(photo via RLHyde)
Yesterday, we linked to AARP's new tech roundup in the Magazine this month and asked - how do you learn these new gadgets? What have you found helpful?
We asked our Facebook community, and many of you said your children had helped - as had books like the Dummies series (link: "Building a Web Site for Dummies") - and several more said - we read the manuals! But the problem is - as we well know over here - many products don't even put the manuals online anymore. So then what? We're going to keep an eye out for simple instructional videos and resources we can link you to here going forward - keep an eye on us.
Other tech news: There's a new Kindle out today. It still just displays black and white text, made out of electronic ink that you can read in sunlight, just like a real paper page. Unlike the iPad, which incorporates a color screen and interactive graphics into books, the new Kindle is going to keep the same reading experience. (Money quote from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: "You are not going to improve Hemingway by adding video snippets.")