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Tuesday Tech: Yep, We All Really Hate Printers.

Bashed Printer I

(photo of what I'd like to do to my printer, via dweekly)
All office comedies love to malign the printer. You and I love to complain about it. The Oatmeal (bookmark this site, it's awesome) did a really great comic about the printer.
No, really, go read that comic. It'll make you feel better. I just hunted down #96 ink for an hour in my office, and it made me feel better.
We have a great article up on ways to save money on those pesky ink cartridges. My favorite personal shortcut: using the "print" button on webpages to cut out all the sidebar images, ads, and other clutter.
One last note: yeah, you can print your own photos. And it will only cost you expensive ink. But in my opinion, don't bother. No, really, don't. Photo services found at Walgreens, Costco, CVS, or online services like Snapfish give you a much better cost per print - and the quality is unquestionably better. (We're talking going from 43 cents a print, printing at home, to 9 cents printing via Snapfish.)
So yeah, skip the fancy photo printer. I always wanted one as a kid, and my dad insisted on a quality black and white laser. I was not happy about this. Parents do have a funny way of being right, though.

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