AARP Eye Center
Sleep Less Than 6 Hours Nightly? It Could Hike Your Stroke Risk
By Candy Sagon, June 12, 2012 08:00 AM

How many hours of sleep do you normally get each night? If it's less than six, you could be significantly boosting your stroke risk.
A new study found that among employed adults age 45 and older who were otherwise healthy and of normal weight, getting too little shut-eye appeared to more than quadruple their risk of stroke symptoms, reports
The study, presented Monday at SLEEP 2012, the annual meeting of the nation's sleep experts, followed 5,666 older adults for up to three years. All the participants had no history of stroke or stroke symptoms and were at low risk for sleep apnea -- a condition where a person briefly stops breathing while they're asleep.
The researchers found a strong association -- but not a specific cause and effect -- between stroke risk and too little sleep.
"The really important take-home message is this: Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise," said study author Megan Ruiter of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Sleep experts recommend that we get seven to nine hours nightly, but a recent government study found that 30 percent of working adults get six hours or less.
While previous research has shown that too-little sleep can lead to heart problems, this is the first study to focus on stroke symptoms among people of normal weight.
Surprisingly, researchers found no increased stroke risk among overweight or obese people who snoozed less than six hours nightly.
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