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Thanks for Caring, Doubters. But I’m Ready for Online Dating

Autumn Romances Stories and Portraits of Love after 50 by Carol Denker

I have to confess: I am a glass-half-full-pollyannish-romantic-type person. Still, when I hear skepticism and concern about my decision for a new adventure in online dating, I get the point. I will be cautious with my expectations, and how I approach this experience.

I have a lot more going on in my life besides dating men. Keeping physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy requires a balance of diverse pursuits. Men are just one piece of this tasty pie called life.

I don’t think there is just one soul mate out there for me, but I do believe in extraordinary love. A book entitled Autumn Romances: Stories and Portraits of Love after 50, by Carol Denker, has inspired me to again search for one.

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I thought I found an extraordinary love 15 years ago. I joined back in 2000, when online dating sites were in their infancy. The process was pretty straightforward: You wrote an ad (now called a profile) and posted it. Men flocked to you electronically. I was inundated with men wanting to date me. At 41 years old, it was quite the ego boost.

I dated my top 10 prospects. One of them became my husband. Let’s call him Jimmy*. Jimmy contacted me once after reading my online ad and  again after reading  my newspaper ad. He didn’t realize that both ads were from the same person. Either Jimmy was contacting every available breathing female in my city, or my ads were so irresistible, he couldn’t help himself. I like to think it was the latter.

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Now my husband is my “wasband.” We separated more than six months ago, and I’m pursuing a divorce. My grief and anger still linger, but so does my need for companionship. It’s time to move forward and create a beautiful new chapter in my life. Women, as well as girls, just want to have fun.

I am going to take the dive into Internet dating despite the skepticism I hear. I am ready to tackle the male race, or should I say, the race to date a male.

Coming May 7: Making sense of the confusing world of online dating site options.

*Names and identifying information have been changed to protect people’s privacy and security.

Photo: Keith Angelitis/Courtesy of A-Shirley Publishing

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