While there is still a lot of concern and talk about mortgages overall, there's another side of the mortgage market that folks should be aware of - the reverse mortgage market.
Mr. Orszag (head of the Congressional Budget Office) in the Wall Street Journal brings us today's ah ha moment "...we have to pay even more attention to the health-care costs that exert the dominant influence on our fiscal future." It's worth checking out the whole piece, where Orszag reminds us…
It's not a bad thing to be either and it looks like, according to a new Harris poll, that AARP is both. Eighty-five percent of people have heard of AARP and 83 percent cited it as a trusted organization. Not too shabby.
I mentioned Martina last week, but today there is a great column by LZ Granderson over at ESPN about her and her new relationship with AARP. Check it out. My favorite line is a reminder that growing old has nothing to do with age anymore. Ain't that the truth!
With just three weeks until Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses, Iowa AARP members of both political parties say they are following the campaign closely, but like many polls, they are not yet settled on their candidate preferences. It's gonna come down to the wire.
Ray mentioned it below, but there was a really interesting story in this weekend's Washington Post about people over 65 who have no access to transportation. I don't expect this is a problem limited to the Washington area. In fact, 20 percent of Americans over 65 are living like this. And I can't…
Lots of talk on the blogs about the mortgage situation and now today's announcement from the President. Left, right, you name it - everyone is concerned.
As promised, some video from AARP The Magazine's Inspire Awards. No picking favorites here, but a sampling of the winners below. See them all by clicking here.
Some pictures from our colleagues in Iowa, who yesterday kicked off a multi-city bus tour across the state delivering copies of "In Their Own Words", AARP's presidential candidate side-by-side booklet.