The news today in America is a stark reminder of where we are as a nation when it comes to our health care - it's pretty bad. Twenty percent of Americans cannot afford their health care according to a new Center for Disease Control report. Government cannot seem to get its act together when it…
What's here you ask? A key resource as 2008 comes upon us.... "In Their Own Words", a comprehensive online tool that can help provide AARP's nearly 25 million households with the information they need about the candidates positions on health and financial security.
There has been some past opining about holiday fears, so I don't want to continue to scare folks. BUT... you are out there spending and out there using your credit cards, so a reminder to be careful about identity theft. A recent AARP study found that 80 plus percent of those 50 and over are…
Last night's debate is a hot topic this morning on blogs of all stripes for all sorts of reasons (see here and here). But one glaring hole in last night's discussion was the complete lack of health care questions. Is it possible that no one asked a health care question? That is hard to believe. Did…
The word is out... AARP The Magazine has announced their 2008 Inspire Awards, which pay tribute to 10 extraordinary people whose contributions inspire others to action through their innovative thinking, passion and perseverance.
There's an interesting new poll today out of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, sponsored by AARP, giving the pulse of African American voters just a month out of the primaries.
Check out a wonderful editorial/blog posting from Brad Warthen, an editorial writer from South Carolina's The State. Brad recalls not only the misery of a doctor's visit (who hasn't endured that one), but more importantly, the need for serious reform in the health care system.
The blogs, as well as the mainstream media, have been chatting about Social Security over the past few days mostly as a result of this column from Ruth Marcus and blog response from Paul Krugman, as well as this AP story. A sampling for your pleasure: