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Jill Greenberg

More fun from Stepheni Schlinker, Associate State Director for Communications for AARP Michigan:
In Michigan, AARP Associate State Director Stepheni Schlinker, is criss-crossing the state tracking the Presidential candidates. Here's her weekend dispatch:
I have written about reverse mortgages before, but with folks so anxious about the economy, I thought it might be a good opportunity to mention it again. Below is an excellent piece from NBC Nightly News with AARP Foundation President Robin Talbert on the basic ins and outs of reverse mortgages.…
An interesting press release from the Lt. Governor in South Carolina about next weekend's primary. What does he say about voters who are 65 plus? That they will be key to whatever happens. Also, he makes a nice plug for the recent AARP survey in South Carolina that showed 8 in 10 Republican voters…
I know everyone is tired after staying up late for the election returns over the last few days, but a little p.s. on what has been happening in Iowa and New Hampshire. AARP, its members and the issues that are so important to them have been a big part of the action. The 50-plus bloc remains a force…
The Center for Medicare Services released a report yesterday (and the Wall Street Journal blogged about it today) which found health care costs growing at a slightly slower rate. It also showed, however, that increases in health care spending are still outpacing both economic growth and general…
All the cool kids are...
I'm not even in New Hampshire and even I've heard it... "Your signs are everywhere". By this, I mean Divided We Fail signs. So, for those of you in warmer locales, a little taste of what you're missing.
AARP has a team of folks in New Hampshire leading up to primary day tomorrow and they are attending candidate events all over the state - Nashua, Manchester, Keane, you name it. But sometimes it is the less direct education that can have an impact.
Today, the universe is focused on Iowa, but the next stop on the way to November 2008 is New Hampshire. And what's happening in New Hampshire besides watching Iowa? They are being besieged by lots of campaigns and not just the candidate kind. And Boston Globe's online political guru James Pindell…
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