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Jody Holtzman
There's an app for that - but usage by older adults is stalled. Boomers and beyond have the spending power, but they aren't snapping up tablets and smartphones. Pew's latest smartphone numbers tell the story - smartphone usage has not grown beyond 11% among the 65+. And tablet ownership, despite…
As broadband adoption levels off, the older adult population loses. The flurry of interest in getting older adults online seems to be fizzling - unfortunately, before they are all online. Occasionally there is some excitement here and there, for example, the Google fiber project in Kansas City, but…
So many age 50+ customers -yet marketers obsess about youth. So I wonder, being exactly in the age demographic of the prospective buyer of BMWs, what's up with their marketers? BMW seems on a quest to reach the young through social media. But the actual buyer my age isn't shopping for cars that way…
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