For someone with moderate to severe hearing loss, the smartphone is both savior and nemesis. I can’t imagine life without a smartphone, but I can imagine many ways that it could be better.
When public safety and the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act come into conflict, public safety prevails. But that doesn’t mean the ADA should be tossed aside. In fact, compliance with the ADA gives us a more effective police force.
What’s good for your body is not necessarily good for your ears. Loud music is an integral part of many workout activities — spin classes are a prime example. A recent article in the New York Times found that the noise levels in a spin class at Crunch averaged 100 decibels over 40 minutes, and hit…
In English | Nuestros sentidos tienen sistemas de advertencia para alertarnos sobre peligros potenciales. Un sabor amargo nos advierte que nos alejemos de los venenos. Un olor putrefacto nos alerta que quizás la comida no se debería consumir. Los ojos se nos cierran automáticamente cuando quedan…
In English | Todos ustedes los baby boomers que escucharon demasiado rock ’n’ roll podrían eventualmente recuperar la audición al tomarse una pastilla.
Could we be prescribing antidepressants to those who really need a hearing test? A large-scale study published last April based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2010 found a significant correlation between hearing loss and depression, confirming some smaller…
In English | Boomers y personas de más edad: ha llegado el momento de reconocer que probablemente tienen pérdida de la audición. Se estima que 48 millones de estadounidenses la tienen, y el 55% de ellos son menores de 60 años. Es fácil de ignorar, pero sus vidas serán mucho mejor si no lo hacen.
En español |Our senses have warning systems to alert us to possible dangers. A bitter taste warns us away from poisons. A putrid smell alerts us that food may not be safe to eat. Our eyes close automatically when exposed to a flash of light. Pain receptors in our skin warn us to pull away from…