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Steve Mencher

Yes, the talking companion dog stole the show at the Healthy Aging Forum on Capitol Hill May 23 (you can meet him in the video below), but there were plenty of other ideas on display from government agencies, big health care companies, foundations and entrepreneurs about improving the lives of…
Amid the devastation of the Oklahoma tornado, Barbara Garcia simply proceeded according to plan. As the sky darkened and the funnel cloud approached, she headed to her small bathroom with her dog. She hoped they'd be safe there. (If you can't see the video embedded below, try reloading the page or…
Get over yourself. That was the message delivered by Julie Andrews, 77, to the graduates of the University of Colorado, Boulder in early May.
You've heard of royal families having "an heir and a spare" in waiting to become the next king. Well, the same is true of alligator teeth: Behind every tooth is a replacement tooth, just in case, as well as the material needed to keep more teeth coming - as many as 50 times throughout the scary…
He's an astronaut, and a rock star.
Newt Gingrich is turning his attention from outer space to your mobile phone. In a video uploaded to YouTube by the team at Gingrich Productions (no joke) just last week, the former House speaker and presidential candidate announces a contest of sorts to name that phone/camera/web-surfing thingy…
My dad was a master complainer. A king of kvetching. He had a symphony of noises and a palette of winces and scowls to make his annoyance known to all. Dad would never have taken part in a growing fad: purple rubber bracelets carved with the words "A Complaint Free World." Ten million bracelets are…
The image would be comic if it wasn't so sad. Feeling hopeless and alone years ago, I remember holding a belt and looking at my shower curtain rod, wondering if it would hold my weight. I couldn't have been too serious about harming myself with such a flimsy plan.
Golfer Vijay Singh withdrew from the Wells Fargo Championship in Charlotte, N.C., May 1, one day after the PGA Tour said it wouldn't punish him for using deer antler spray, a nutritional supplement that includes small amounts of a banned hormone. Singh blamed his departure on a sore back. Tough…
A case argued this month before the U.S. Supreme Court could make it more difficult to win discrimination suits, four years after another decision greatly weakened the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
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