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Bill Newcott
Arriving in theaters is the powerful but appalling story of a mother’s love for her son, as well as a nonstop Bill Murray romp. At home you can time-travel back to 1985 or a few billion years B.C.
Five compelling new dramas arrive in theaters, joining a full slate of recently opened gems.
In theaters this weekend: Three people walk their own personal tightropes.
In theaters this weekend: A cool workplace comedy; a searing cop drama.
Can’t engineer a private audience with Pope Francis this week? Schedule a viewing of these movie pontiffs — the quirky, the comical, the heroic.
Oscar winner Emma Thompson costars as Robert Redford’s wife in A Walk in the Woods. It’s the screen version of the wildly popular 1998 book of the same name, in which Bill Bryson recounted his failed attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail in its entirety (2,168 miles).
As the “Movies for Grownups” Radio Show signs off after 12 years, here’s our farewell mashup of unforgettable celluloid so-longs.
Robin Williams left several movies on the shelf when he died last year, and his final dramatic performance highlights this weekend’s theatrical films.
As The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel comes to DVD and Blu-ray, you’d think making a sequel to the smash 2011 original must have been a foregone conclusion.
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