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Susan Reinhard

Susan C. Reinhard, RN, PhD, FAAN, is the chief strategist emeritus for the Center to Champion Nursing in America, a national resource center created to ensure that America has the highly skilled nurses it needs to provide care in the future. Previously, she was senior vice president and director of the AARP Public Policy Institute. She led the LTSS State Scorecard and LTSS Choices Initiative to promote the transformation of long-term care. She also led PPI's Family Caregiving Initiatives. Her areas of expertise include bridging research, policy, and practice in family caregiving; long-term services and supports; and the health care workforce. Read her full biography.
This is an exciting month for AARP’s Public Policy Institute. We’re set to release our third Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) State Scorecard Report on June 14, and this powerful tool is far more interactive and comprehensive than the 2011 and 2014 installments.
Since AARP started partnering with the Department of Veterans Affairs beginning last year to produce a series of 10 videos (five in English, five in Spanish) through the Home Alone Alliance, which I first wrote about here, we’ve only gotten more excited about the project.
With this being the week of Mother’s Day, it’s a good time to highlight a less-talked-about role of many women. As an AARP Public Policy Institute report recently discussed, 6 out of 10 family caregivers are female. (By “family caregiver,” I mean those who aren’t paid to help an ill or infirm…
In 2016, AARP launched the Home Alone Alliance sm in collaboration with the United Hospital Fund, the Family Caregiver Alliance and the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at the University of California at Davis. The Home Alone Alliance sm is a collaborative that brings together partners from the…
“He’s been in the hospital about 18 times over the past two years. Leaving the hospital the first time was particularly scary because he came home with drains from his wounds. They had to be cleaned frequently. I had a few lessons in the hospital, but I wasn’t prepared for doing it myself when we…
Do you know anyone who supports a family member, neighbor or friend with mental health issues? Chances are you do. But it’s likely you don’t know you do.
Family caregivers are doing more than ever to support their family members, neighbors and friends who have long-term or chronic health needs. They shop, cook, drive and manage finances. They bathe, dress, toilet and feed.
About 40 million people in America care for a family member, neighbor or friend who has limitations in everyday activities. We call these people “family caregivers.” Most of them juggle work and family caregiving responsibilities, which can seriously affect their physical and emotional health.…
The national conversation about the value of nurses needs to move beyond health care experts and policymakers to include consumers and businesses
Creating a larger, more highly skilled nursing workforce will improve access to higher-quality, more patient-centered, and more affordable care
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