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Tamara Lytle

Why are there so few veterans in Congress these days?
No more rushing to buy a spare pair of prescription glasses to use up your flexible spending account (FSA) before the year ends.
Even if you aren't familiar with the Older Americans Act, you probably know of services it makes possible: Meals on Wheels, job training, senior centers and family caregiver support, among many others. The future of this safety net for older Americans looks a little brighter because, with…
Social Security benefits will increase by just 1.5 percent next year - about $19 a month for the average retiree.
The Affordable Care Act has taken it on the chin recently, from its controversial role in the recent government shutdown to the website meltdown that came as the long-awaited health insurance marketplace opened on Oct. 1. Nonetheless, a new Gallup poll shows that public support for the law seems to…
Public trust in the government is near an all-time low - not exactly a shock for a survey taken during a shutdown of the federal government.
President Obama conceded on Oct. 21 that the website at the center of the health care law has been a mess but insisted that the law continues to benefit many people.
One fiscal crisis is winding down, but another round of budget negotiations looms. And that could mean Social Security and Medicare cuts will again be part of the conversation.
Wondering what next year's cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security will be?
Not again. It looks as if cuts in Social Security and Medicare may soon be pulled into the budget battles now under way on Capitol Hill.
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