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Women 50+: What to Wear to Get the Job
By Barbara Hannah Grufferman, September 19, 2013 03:30 PM

The economy is tough. The job market - especially for those of us over 50 - is even tougher. But if you want to rejoin the workforce or land a new opportunity, the tips below can help you put your best foot forward.
It's been said that it takes all of seven seconds for a stranger to size you up. So make the best first impression you can by sporting an interview outfit that will knock their socks off.
Jacqui Stafford ( The Wow Factor) is a fashion guru, TV personality and best-selling author. For ideas on how to look cool, confident and current, I sought out her advice on pulling together an outfit designed to dazzle a prospective employer with your style.
Related: Older Job Seekers Fear Being Seen as Overqualified
Stafford shared her secrets on the advisability of single-breasted suits, how to add a spark of color, and the perfect "power bag." Indeed, she divulged so much useful information that we decided to include it in a segment of The Best of Everything on AARP's YouTube Channel. But don't take my word for it - see for yourself:
Being comfortable in your own skin is the key to having confidence: That's what Diane von Furstenberg told me when I interviewed her for my book, The Best of Everything After 50. And having confidence is essential to feeling bold, brave and fearless!
So even if it's been decades since your last job interview, knowing you look poised and polished will give you extra energy and enthusiasm. Just keep telling yourself how smart and qualified you are, and by the time you walk into the interview you'll be aglow with the inner knowledge that you're ready to start.
Keep these additional pointers in mind in the days leading up to the interview:
- Get a manicure: Short nails in a neutral color are best.
- Fix your hair: This makes you look pulled together and up to date. If you color your hair, no visible roots, please!
- Nix the bling: Stick with small, elegant pieces such as stud earrings.
- Cover your legs: A pants suit is totally acceptable. If you opt for a skirt or dress, however, wear stockings - always unpatterned. Match sheer nude with nude pumps or black with black pumps to make your legs look long and lean.
- Freshen your breath: Tuck a small plastic bag filled with parsley or mint sprigs in your purse, then use them to freshen up as needed. Hey, you never know who you're going to meet on an interview!
- And the most important tip? Be yourself: It's you they want to hire.
I want to hear from you! Let me know what you want to see on future segments of THE BEST OF EVERYTHING WITH BARBARA HANNAH GRUFFERMAN video show on AARP's YouTube Channel. For more tips on living your best life after 50 (or 60, or 70), check out Keep me posted on how you're doing by subscribing to me on Facebook or sending me a tweet @BGrufferman.
Photo: WordHelper
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