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Advice in the News Today

Happy Monday. There are a few interesting news stories today that give readers advice on a variety of things - check them out if you're looking for unsolicited, free tips!
This one is from the "Patient Money" column in the New York Times and covers something I often struggle with on a budget - purchasing vitamins. The writer does the hard work of researching first, whether multivitamins are worth the cost - and who in particular should be sure to be taking vitamins - and then, when and if you decide multivitamins are a good investment for you, how to be a smart buyer. My favorite bit of advice is that "price may not mean quality." Don't be fooled by paying for brands!
And of course, some retirement advice. This article from the Wall Street Journal caught my attention because it took advice from pros on real people who have made mistakes, and then shared their wisdom with us. It's called "Retirement Planning Mishaps" - and maybe checking out the WSJ might help you avoid them! The mishaps include overspending, misreading bonds, and simply failing to talk to their families about planning for long-term health care and death.

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