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Columbus Day News from AARP

On Friday, this great article about AARP's health insurance options was featured on CBS Money Watch. The article takes an in-depth look at AARP's range of health insurance plans and what they mean for you, in terms of deductibles, preventative care and more.
The author, Bob Trebilcock, says: "After talking to nearly a dozen experts and comparing quotes from more than 50 companies, here's our conclusion: AARP health policies, while rarely the least expensive, are competitive, and might be the best plan for you if you have health problems." Check out the story for the low-down on all things AARP health insurance.
If you're looking for tips on your finances in this tough economic climate, check out this story that appeared in the L.A. Times this weekend, " How to Be Your Own Financial Planner." There is advice on budgeting, retirement planning and spending, taxes and more.
In health care reform news - the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on the "Baucus bill" tomorrow - we'll be keeping tabs!
Have a great Monday.

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