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Friday News: Financial Planning, and More Calorie Talk hosted a live online chat with their personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary yesterday, and she discussed topics from budgeting to retirement planning to simply how to discuss money with a loved one. She even touted what a great resource is for retirement planning tools.
Check out the full transcript here to see what she had to say about a wide range of finance topics - she's bound to have given advice on whatever you're worried about financially.
And I'm still shocked from yesterday's scary news about calories on food labels being underestimated, so when I came across this article from the Chicago Tribune today that highlights the study as far as chain restaurants are concerned, I wanted to share it with you as well.
I think the best thing to do is be aware of portion size. (Easier said than done.) If the listed calorie count for that huge plate of pasta at your favorite restaurant is far too good to be true - it probably is. Good to know!

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