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The Takeaway: Debt Plan; Brain Injury Linked to Alzheimer's; Grandparent 'Lifeline'

Baby steps. "A bipartisan effort in the Senate to allow President Obama to raise the federal debt ceiling in exchange for about $1.5 trillion in spending cuts over 10 years gained momentum Sunday ... The growing sentiment for raising the federal limit on U.S. borrowing sets the stage for a week of largely scripted actions on Capitol Hill, where leaders in both chambers are looking to build support for the plan being crafted by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)"

A professional football player loses his helmet during a play on the field
Early brain injury linked to Alzheimer's. From the Wall Street Journal: "Two studies, one of veterans and the other of former professional football players, provide new evidence that head injuries such as concussions are linked to dementia later in life and may make the brain more vulnerable to the development of symptoms characteristic of Alzheimer's disease." Not a subscriber? More on this study ... Look on the bright side. People who focus on the positive are more likely to live longer and healthier and happier, says a new study from journal Biological Psychiatry.

... Almost 7 million children are living with a grandparent, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau. That's up 64 percent from 10 years ago. The reasons a child goes to live with a grandparent vary - death of a parent, one or more parent is active duty military, economic issues, etc. One man shares his experience on how grandparents are a "lifeline" to children during difficult times. Also: Avoid 5 Common Mistakes of Grandparenting.

... Health notes:  Vitamin C from food tied to lower cataract risk: "Older adults who get very little Vitamin C in their diets may have an increased risk of developing cataracts, a study in India finds." ... From Candy Sagon:  Yes, guys, there is a such thing as manopause. ... New diabetes drug under FDA review. A promising drug (not yet available to the public) that causes blood sugar to be eliminated through urine has been linked to an increased risk of "breast and bladder cancer, liver damage and infections of the genitals and urinary tract."

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(Photo: Jeff Siner/Charlotte Observer/Getty Images;  Note: Carolina Panthers safety Marcus Hudson is not associated with the brain injury study.)

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