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Tina Johnson-Marcel

Standard policy or discrimination? A New York man says he was fired from his job as a lifeguard in 2007 because he refused to wear the required bikini-style swimsuit for an annual qualifying swim test. Roy Lester, now 61, filed a lawsuit claiming age discrimination. Lester, who has 40 years of…
Warren Buffett's op-ed piece in the New York Times sparked a fury on the Internet yesterday. If you missed it, here's the takeaway in his own words: "My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It's time for our government to get serious about shared…
Tuesday I mentioned Marie Kolstad, left, an 83-year-old grandmother who had a breast lift with implants last month. "Physically, I'm in good health, and I just feel like, why not take advantage of it?" she told The New York Times. Yesterday Kolstad elaborated: "It was more about looking in the…
Is America ready for more "old" men? That's the discussion that's taking place in Room for Debate over on As the number of men over 65 has increased by 21 percent in the last decade "what are the implications - the benefits and the costs - of having more men around longer?" Women…
All about the genes. So yesterday, we celebrated aging well with Helen Mirren's big win for sexiest body and Jim Presseler's secrets to looking and feeling young at 62. And then the mother of all Debbie Downer news was released. Watching what you eat and exercising to live to be 100? You might be…
When it comes to "home away from home," men are left behind. In her search for the perfect rehab for her father, Pam Gerhardt found that many assisted living facilities often forget about the other half. It's hard enough getting your "still-young-at-heart" dad to agree to go to a home. So when he…
What does your face say about you? Does it say you're happy? Stressed? When people see you, do they think you're powerful? Warm? Do you appear healthy? As President Obama turns 50, a new report examines how much he's aged in the last three years and asks an interesting question: "What's in a face…
Want to keep your kids safe in the car? Make sure Nana's behind the wheel. When children are present, grandparents are better drivers than Mom and Dad, a new study says. People older than 65 are generally involved in more car accidents, and the number climbs as people get older. The debate over the…
Part D is keeping you out of the hospital: Five years after the drug plan's debut, seniors covered by Medicare Part D are healthier and taking better care of themselves. From today's Journal of the American Medical Association: " Medicare saved an average of about $1,200 a year for each senior who…
Don't mean to start the morning on a low note, but the numbers don't lie. The recession rages and long-term unemployment rates are still high. As the country focuses on the very important issue of the debt ceiling ( here's an update), many segments of the population are asking," Hey, remember us?"…
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