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The Takeaway: Heat Wave; Fattest Generation?

Heat wave continues. As temperatures continue to soar, 20 states are under heat advisories, according to the National Weather Service. Despite the warnings, many people still don't recognize the signs of heat-related illness. And the older we get, the less tolerant we become of the heat. Which is dangerous: "Many older Americans don't heed heat-advisory warnings as carefully as they should, because they don't consider themselves old."

An obese woman walks on the boardwalk

... Most obese generation? In a new Associated poll  about one-third of people over 50 were found to be obese - only about 25 percent of "those in the generation older and younger are considered obese." The poll also revealed that even people who aren't obese or overweight are still not getting enough exercise.

"The nation has been bracing for a surge in Medicare costs as the 77 million baby boomers, the post-war generation born from 1946 to 1964, begin turning 65. Obesity - with its extra risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis - will further fuel those bills."

... Debt ceiling update: The Senate will stay in session everyday until an agreement is reached, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday. While they haggle, find out what this means for you. Also: A compelling look at what would happen to low-income seniors if Congress made changes to Medicare.

... Frequent fliers take heed: From the Los Angeles Times: A plan to let pre-screened frequent airline passengers bypass the regular airport security checkpoints and instead zip through an expedited screening process will be tested this fall in Atlanta, Miami, Detroit and Dallas.

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(Photo: Lucas Jackson/Reuters)

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