AARP Eye Center
The Takeaway: TSA Screening Unfair?; Too Old to Drive?
By Tina Johnson-Marcel, June 27, 2011 08:53 AM
TSA stands by officers after pat-down of 95-year-old woman in Florida. The cancer patient was forced to remove her adult diaper during a screening a couple of weeks ago at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport, according to her daughter. The federal agency's statement: "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure." (What do you think? Were the TSA agents justified or out of line?) ... When is it time to take away the cars keys? The debate over seniors' right to remain behind the wheel was revived this weekend after a 90-year-old woman drove through a nursing home's recreation room on Saturday.
Police say she mistook the brake for the gas pedal while attempting to park her car. Two residents of the Amberwood Gardens Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in San Jose, Calif., have died and five were injured. Many older people resist giving up the keys because it significantly reduces their sense of independence. But as this and other incidents have proven, it's an important issue. Are your parents OK on the road? Some signs to determine whether you need to have "the talk."
... An interesting finding coming out of the American Diabetes Association annual meeting in San Diego: "People 65 and over with type 2 diabetes who take drugs known as sulfonylureas to lower their blood sugar levels may face a higher risk for heart problems than their counterparts who take metformin." Sulfonylureas are often prescribed to seniors to help lower their blood sugar. ... Back on: After talks fell apart last week, President Obama is set to meet separately today with GOP and Democratic Senate leaders to restart discussions on the federal budget and debt limit. What Washington's 2011 fiscal wars mean to you.
... In a late vote Friday night New York legalizes same-sex marriage. Newly-married New Yorkers will see their lives change significantly - legally and financially. But for those older couples who don't live in the six states recognizing gay marriage, planning is still essential. ... Angelina Jolie has nothing on them. Don't be fooled by their ages and gentle demeanor . Doris Bohrer, 88, and Elizabeth "Betty" McIntosh, 96, know stuff. A lot. And it's good. Decades after duty in the OSS and CIA, "spy girls" find each other in retirement.
... Who are you calling an old-timer? New York Yankees legends were feted Sunday for the 65th annual Old-Timers' Day.
But one newbie took issue with the tradition's name:

"If you take away the word 'old,' " Bernie Williams said, "I think I probably would be a little bit more comfortable."
See "In the News" for more on current events, entertainment and how it all relates to you.
(Photo: Reggie Jackson, left, reaches to embrace Whitey Ford at the New York Yankees' 65th annual Old-Timers' Day on Sunday. Al Bello/Getty Images)