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The Takeaway: Would-Be Grandparents Put Their Money Where Their Hearts Are

I have to admit, this story smacks a little bit of media-manufactured-trend piece, but the New York Times is reporting that an increasing number of would-be grandparents are helping pay for their daughters to freeze their eggs. One doctor says three-quarters of his egg-freezing patients have parents who paid part or all of the bill.

Egg-freezing is still a fledgling field, but one that's becoming increasingly popular as a means for extending fertility. It's also expensive ("generally costing between $8,000 and $18,000," according to the Times) and offers no guarantees. Many find it worth the gamble.

Like Brigitte Adams, 39, and her parents. Adams launched a website about egg freezing ( after undergoing the procedure with financial and emotional support from her parents.

Rachel Lehmann-Haupt, author of In Her Own Sweet Time: Unexpected Adventures in Finding Love, Commitment and Motherhood, cautioned that "there is a very fine line between concern and pressure" in these situations, and navigating it can be difficult for parents. But it can also be a "gift of hope" (as one egg bank is marketing its egg freezing gift certificates).

By the time Allison was 35, I felt the clock was tick-tick-ticking," said Candace Kramer, 61, whose daughter took her up on the suggestion to freeze her eggs - and her offer to pay half the bill. "I viewed it as opening up an opportunity for her."

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Photo: James Estrin/The New York Times/Redux

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